Being based in LA these fires have hit us hard. Lives ruined, mountains destroyed and the simple things like going out your front door on a run have been taken away.
This time of both being there for our city and seeing so much suffering has forced us as a company to reexamine everything.
Starting with why does earthy exist?
With the rise of synthetic food, tension on the internet, and increased separation from the natural world, we as a species have never been more disconnected and we are now witnessing the consciousness.
So earthy exists to simply help reconnect
to reconnect humans what we put in our bodies and where it comes from.
to reconnect to each other and realize that we aren't that different or alone.
and to reconnect to the natural world, to explore and play in it while learning to love it and treat it with respect.
This all sounds so simple and maybe it is, but we know that through this, so much healing is possible.
Yes we are a supplement company but we are on a mission so much bigger than that.
To those who have lost so much, we are so sorry, but we are here with you, with our sleeves rolled up, ready to get to work.
earthy team